After Winter Solstice there are only two more Seasonal Nodes in the Chinese calendar before the Chinese Solar New Year and the beginning of Spring - Minor Cold and Major Cold. What is more important is that now is the time of year when the potential for sustained cold is very real as, even though we are moving into Spring, January and February are usually the coldest months of the year.
Read MoreMajor Snow started Saturday, November 7th. It is the last Seasonal Node before Winter Solstice and represents the final stage of the most Yin time of year. The two weeks of Major Snow are the longest nights of the year. The main way to support health in this period is to focus on warm supplementation, while at the same time avoiding exposure to cold.
Read MoreTuesday October 8 is the beginning of the Cold Dew Seasonal Node, the first 15-day segment after Autumn Equinox. Here in the Northeastern United States fall is underway. The leaves slowly change color and begin to drop. Remember, it’s a time to begin slowing down, going inward, enjoying the quietness that this time of year offers.
Read MoreWe recently created a Youtube Channel where we will be posting videos of life on the farm. In this short video, we harvest and dry our chamomile so that we can use it in teas and tisanes, as well as have a custom blend essential oil made by our friends at Aromaticum Botanicals that we use in a calming massage for the dogs.
Read MoreJoin us Saturday, October 19th from 10am-2pm for this Introductory Forum as we begin a series of workshops covering a wide range of topics, in-depth discussions, and participate in creating more advanced and holistic options for canine healthcare, and understanding the human-canine relationship.
Read MoreSeptember 8, was the start of the White Dew Seasonal Node, with the equinox only about 2 weeks away. The movement of Autumn is the movement of harvest. Nature is slowly winding down. Notice the contracting energy of the earth, the fallen leaves, and the changing energy of Nature.
Read MoreWhen my heart hurts, I go to the Water. When I want to forget my human separateness and remember how we are all connected, I go to the Water. The Water is always there. My heart hurt this Summer and it took me to my knees. But I trusted this Great Being of Water would hold me, and I trusted what or who would come.
Read MoreThe farm will be closed this year from June 1st through September 4th. The decision came about quite naturally. Projects we have been working on for over 2 years are now being implemented. Relationships have grown and new have been born to support the work that the farm offers. We have also been listening very closely and hear your requests.
Read MoreThis year the Vernal Equinox Seasonal Node starts Thursday March 21. Why then does the Chinese calendar regard Vernal Equinox as the midpoint of Spring? Because we are now at the balance point of Yin and Yang. Spring is the time when Yang of the natural world is slowly starting to push itself up and out of the Yin of Winter.
Read MoreWednesday, March 6th, is the start of the Awakening of Insects seasonal node, the third node of the year. This is the next segment of Spring, and although over the last two weeks weather has been particularly chilly, we're starting to see buds setting on trees.
Read MoreTuesday February 19th, was the beginning of the second seasonal node of the new-year and the new Spring –“Rain Water.” We’ve been experiencing rain, snow - mix of both, typical of this time of year. During Rain Water the expansion of Yang in the natural environment continues.
Read MoreThe Sacred Elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Sacred Space are teachers to humans, and the world at large. And we can tap into their teachings through inner journeys, meditations, visualizations, spirit connections, and of course: the actual element in its natural habitat.
Read MoreThis time of year, the Beginning of Spring, is when the Yang influences are growing in the natural world. By now we are only about 6 weeks away from the Vernal Equinox , one of the times of year where the Yang and Yin are balanced and we have more equal day and night.
Read MoreWe all have loved ones on the other side who want to help you achieve your soul's objectives and live a joyful and fulfilling life. This group includes Ancestors, Nature Spirits and other Loving Beings who All have your best interest at heart and in mind. And we can talk to them.
Read MoreSunday January 20th, is the start of the Major Cold Seasonal Node. Major Cold is the last node of the traditional Chinese year, and we are now about two weeks away from both the solar and lunar new year – the Beginning of Spring!
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