For just a little while we ask that you leave your phone and any devices in the car and drop into yourself. The farm is secure and we appreciate you being present. We also ask that all appointments be pre-paid, that you wear clothes that can go into the woods, the water, the weather. We prefer human voices, smiles, tears, hearts, so leaving a voicemail is preferable, but we always check our texts and emails as well. Please be patient at the gate, it will open out toward you as soon as we are ready for you to drive up. Sometimes our dogs may be out taking a mid-day break, or I may be finishing a behavioral consult with a dog that needs a specific environment. Since we are phone-free during sessions, follow-up appointments are booked after your visit.
This is not a dog kennel, dog training academy or a dog rescue, it is a sanctuary dedicated to right relations between all beings, a farm that integrates the sacred in all aspects of life, a home for our family, and a place of learning for community, respect for animals, elders, ancestors, and the land upon which mutual trust is rooted. We hope you are able to take away a sense of how extraordinary you are and remember our inherent kinship with all species, nature and habitats.