Receiving Messages from Deceased Loved Ones | Message Circle with Andrea Largent

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There is Magick in this World And Spirits Everywhere.  Who is where? And Who does what?   

We all have loved ones on the other side who want to help you achieve your soul's objectives and live a joyful and fulfilling life. This group includes Ancestors, Nature Spirits and other Loving Beings who All have your best interest at heart and in mind. And we can talk to them.

Thursday, February 21, from 10:30 am to 1 pm, at White Feather Farm in Avondale, PA

Everyone participating in the Message Circle receives answers from their loved ones. Come prepared to ask about any aspect of your life for which you'd like to receive guidance. Each participant may pose three questions. Ancestral blessings are provided as well.

The financial exchange is $65 and advance registration is requested: click here.

Seating is limited to 8 so register early:

As a practitioner, Andrea Bosbach Largent holds a Masters in Family Systems, Social Work, and Holistic Healing. She has been a Senior Facilitator & Trainer of Constellations since 1992 in Europe, Canada and the United States. Her trademarked Geno-Chart-Process™ permits therapists of all modalities to incorporate Ancestral Trauma Release into their practices. In addition to her clinical training, Andrea brings with her abilities of MediumShip, Spirit & Space Clearings, Ancestral Spirit or Curse Unraveling, and Compassionate Depossession, as well as Spirit Journeys in the Shamanic Tradition of the Seidr.

Andrea B. Largent, MSW
Systemic Family Therapy
Founder of the Constellation Academy | | 610-513-2757

To register, email Andrea Largent to reserve your spot receive a payment link. 

As a practitioner, Andrea Bosbach Largent holds a Masters in Family Systems, Social Work, and Holistic Healing. She has been a Facilitator & Trainer of Constellations since 1992 in Europe, Canada and the United States. Her trademarked Geno-Chart-Process™ permits therapists of all modalities to incorporate Ancestral Dynamics into their practices. In addition to her clinical training, Andrea brings with her abilities of MediumShip, allowing Spirit Clearings, including Ancestral Spirit or Curse Unravelings, to occur.  

Thank you.   

Andrea & Diane