“White Feather Farm is truly a unique space. In a world dominated by cell phones, tweets, and greed, the farm offers a break from the endless connectivity we all face, a chance to hop off the hamster wheel. It could be a hike in the woods, a soak in the warm water pool, or just sitting stream side and watching nature, I always feel at ease and more centered, the world seems to make more sense after I visit the farm.”
“Five or six years ago a dear friend told me about a woman named Diane and her farm. My love for dogs has always been paramount and when he told me about how much she knew I realized we must meet. I brought my pit bull George. The moment my foot hit the ground on White Feather Farm I could feel a shift inside me. As I spent more time there, not only did I learn about the intricacies of DOG but I learned about the intricacies inside myself. With Diane’s knowledge and wisdom that she has gained through years of study with Native Americans, Africans, Chinese Medicine and various healing practices like Reiki, massage therapy, and water therapy; Diane weaves together a system of work that can only be for that specific individual. As I have grown closer to Diane and become more aware of my own self, I have started to bring close friends and family that I see struggling. Being able to watch them experience the Farm for the first time I watch through their eyes as they feel the magic. There is an energy that exists on the property that works in synchronicity with Diane. It is not by accident that she found this Farm. For anybody who yearns to explore themselves, their healing craft, or perhaps needs to strengthen their own canine bond, this is the Beginning for you. The Farm is also a place that holds grief in a sacred space. We are all conditioned to grieve just briefly after losing someone we love. But through years of training, Diane has become expert in the process and truly believes that grief must be experienced to its fullest. Many of us hold grief deep inside. She teaches you how to process, honor, and absorb grief in order to begin to heal. My work will never be finished at the Farm. My evolution is continual. And with all Diane has to offer, I know I have years ahead of us to work together.”
“After my first session in the water with Diane, I vowed to schedule this time for myself on a monthly basis, and it has been a literal life saver. Being held in the warm water, floating, letting go of everything, feeling the safety - the care that comes with the water - it’s far too hard to describe. I leave feeling as if every single negative cell in my body has dripped away. I am completely recharged, peaceful and appreciative to be alive! -”
“After losing my mother, my son and my dog all in one year, I was referred to White Feather Farm. Immediately as I entered, I felt as if I had landed in a cocoon, the sounds, smells and sense of peace permeated me, and i took my first deep breath in a very very long time. Diane’s way with grief is different, she uses the simplest pieces of nature to kindly support you, yet also moves you to discover and be in touch with yourself in ways that are inexplainable. My grieving process at the farm continues to strengthen me and I now know death as a much more beautiful and powerful gift from the Other Side.”
“I want to write of my experience of your farm, the “Other Dimensional Farm”. My one experience is that as soon as you step out of your car in the lower parking area, walk up to the Gate ...... you enter a Portal that transcends Earth .... & the MAGICK begins!!!!!!”
“This is a place of wisdom and has within it much to share and offer. It seems to call you to your own wisdom and also seems to hold the wisdom discovered by both the animals and the people that have been here before. I found here an opportunity to connect with something ancient and also discover something new. It would be difficult to sum up the purpose and service White Feather Farm offers and so I would just encourage those that hear about it, or feel drawn to it, to consider this your sign to go with an open mind and explore what is there for you. Perhaps there is something specific here that will draw you either for you or your four legged ones but undoubtably you will find more than you expected or even knew you needed. There are many teachers here within Diane, the animals, and the land.
I have experienced the gift of The Water here at White feather Farm for myself and My dog Ripley. I assumed that the therapy offered in the water was for Ripley and her physical body, but soon it became clear that within her time in the water Ripley had much to teach me and show me about myself. Also it became clear, that for me, the Water therapy was a vehicle to bring me to the farm so that I may discover even more of what is there for me. I have experienced Private Sessions for myself with Diane as well as had the opportunity to gather with a Circle Of Women on the farm. These experiences provided a level of self exploration that has enriched my life, and provided a new compass and connection. I have been with the land and the animals here and each time I hear and see something new, and in addition, I am reminded of so much that I feel I once knew but lost track of.
Thank you Diane for listening to what this special place wants to offer and for tending to the land and yourself in such a sacred way. As a result you have created the opportunity for yourself and others to discover many gifts.”
“I wanted to send a note of gratitude to Diane, the farm and the circle that I was honored to be a part of. It was an experience that is hard to put words to, but altering in a very profound way. I was part of a sisterhood and ritual that felt ancient. It widened my level of awareness, it raised my vibration, it was nourishment for my soul. Our work there was sacred and meaningful and I am eternally grateful for the experience. Thank you! ”