I go to Water
When my heart hurts, I go to the Water. When I want to forget my human separateness and remember how we are all connected, I go to the Water. The Water is always there.
My heart hurt this Summer and it took me to my knees. But I trusted this Great Being of Water would hold me, and I trusted what or who would come.
I dedicated this Summer to the human-animal bond at yet another level. I met with specific people, traveled to places I didn’t want to, sat with animals in crisis and listened deeply to the ones I share my home with every day.
I hosted people from other countries, allowing for intense conversations filled with a level of compassion words cannot convey. All of them in honor - all committed to a different model of this partnership.
There is a Native American teaching about the Arrow. How the Arrow’s path is straight and narrow to the heart. The Arrow will pierce to allow room for compassion, leadership and courage.
Pain creates action.
I couldn’t make any sense of the pain I encountered and don’t need to. What is important is to look at our understanding of these relationships holistically, because once past the pain, what we are invited to goes beyond the World of Separation and into a place of enormous potential and connection.
White Feather Farm looks forward to offering educational workshops and seminars to support the transformational nature of our lives and all of those we touch.
Our updated website will be active in October. Feel free to invite anyone to join our mailing list via the current holding page.
The farm remains dedicated and bound to supporting Natural Orders and Right Relationship.