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The Sacred Marriage between You and Future with Andrea Largent


Beltane is a time of Union and Sacredness.

It is a time of lighting the fires, encouraging the growth, the new, the fertility of all that wishes to grow. And with that it is a very opportune moment to celebrate and to bring together what you wish to see for yourself. We are combining the support provided by beltane with the current motions in the Field we call 'the collective'. The Field is currently experiencing a thinning of the veil (metaphorically speaking).

In other words:

The decisions we make have large impact, larger than ever before in our lifetime.

What does that mean?

  • It means that if I focus on 'speaking my hearts' truth' now: it will (a) happen, and (b) it will become a 'new normal' in the Collective, may that be a culture, a religion, a socio-economic structure - or a sub-Field of the collective: your family.

  • It means that if I focus on 'letting my voice be heard' - it will happen, and have an impact louder and further than I can see and imagine.

  • It means: what we do now, what we inwardly say yes' or 'no to, matters far into the future.

Our own future, the next generation.... and every generation thereafter. We, Diane, White Feather Farm and Andrea, wish to provide a space for you to do be still, to listen inside of you, and to make a mark into the Future with what you wish to see as part of it. We will be using part talk, part walk, part ritual during our time together. 

Join us at White Feather Farm

Saturday, May 2, from 11 am to 2 pm


Space is limited to the first 7 reservations.