Message circles have been around for thousands of years.... and we are coming back to recognizing: once a body dies, the soul continues on and may be communicated with . Isn't that beautiful?!!!
We offer Message Circles during which Andrea function as the radio/communicator between the deceased and the living. We frequently are asked 'why talk to them?'. Here a few answers from participants:
I got the answers to questions I was still holding.
It was so good to connect - and experience them: they come through with the same humor, character as I remember them; down to the golfing outfit he loved so much.
As I am looking a large family history, I found direction and answers to my questions on 'what happened to Great-grandmother when she came over'. Or, how did he die?
There are a multitude of reasons to connect. Your Ancestors, your Loved Ones have reason to connect as well.
Their primary wish is to provide:
support and guidance to you and to make your life easier to navigate every day.
Each circle begins with a message to all. From there we attend to each participant. You may pose up to 3 questions for yourself. Walking home with answers and a deep sense of connection.
February 19th, 10:30 to 1 pm
at White Feather Farm: Avondale PA
Workshop Fees: $75, register here.
Private sessions are available in Kennett Square PA at Andrea’s Studio. Please contact her directly for details. For other workshops with Andrea at other locations, please visit her website
Andrea & Ancestral Realms
Mediumship - Counseling - Constellations