The decision to euthanize a pet is never easy. Overwhelming emotions often prevent us from seeing what may be needed or being asked for. We want to prevent suffering, but it’s a huge decision to end a life. Our work at the Animal Soul has shown us how important planning for the inevitable is, even if death is sudden, there are ways to prepare and care for yourself and your family as death comes. Being conscious and clear about what you want and most importantly taking the time to be with your animal, even after death, is vitally important.
The more we understand the ritual behind the processes of euthanasia and cremation, the more we can move with the intensity of death, our deep love, and why it hurts so much. Most times we are never given that validation. Please join us as we host Jordan Darnall of the Animal Soul formerly known as Delaware Pet Cremation. Jordan works with families and their animals everyday , experiencing first hand what happens when one of the deepest bonds we humans share begins to move beyond our reach.