Seasonal Node : Autumn Equinox


Adapting to the seasons, being in harmony with their rhythms is a vital part of how we stay healthy.  September 22nd marks the beginning of a two week long seasonal node called the Autumn Equinox.  This day is the midway point between solstices.  It is a time related to the Kidney Channel.  The smaller 5 day segments of this node are called Thunder Begins to Retract its Sound, Hibernating Insects Reinforce their Shelters, and Water Begins to Dry Up.  This is a time when the Yin contraction of nature is in preparation for Winter’s Sleep. This is the time to nourish the Yin which in practical terms means we should get more sleep.  As the days grow shorter we should become less active but still be able to wake at the cock’s crowing.  So go to bed earlier, engage in slow stretching with gentle deep breathing.   We should also guard the lungs, as Autumn is the season associated with the Metal phase and therefore the Lung.  It also begins the season of dryness so some foods that protect the Yin nature of the lungs are milk, peaches, pears, apples soymilk, rice, sesame seeds and honey.  Rice congee with wood ear mushrooms is excellent for this time as well! 

Temperatures will also begin to drop so be aware of your exposure to the cold.  It is always a good recommendation to protect the ears and throat from invading cold, so scarves and hats are good to have on hand.  One of my all time favorites is key this seasonal node which is chrysanthemum tea with honey.  This helps quite a bit with seasonal allergies, itchy eyes, dryness, nourishes the liver, brightens the eyes and awakens the brain.  Another corresponding rhythm is the time associated with the Autumn Equinox - it is 5-7 pm.  This is the best time to do any type of physical or mediative practice to take advantage of the balanced movement of Yin and Yang.  Here’s hoping you all have a peaceful and quiet Equinox!