Posts tagged Astrology
Mars in Retrograde, Virgo New Moon

This Mars in Retrograde Survival Guide is written by Erica Jones via Anima Mundi Apothecary. The planet Mars represents direct action, war and aggression, boundary protection, vital life energy, sport and competition, the pursuit of goals, survival impulses, risk-taking and courage. Mars’ retrograde motion indicates a chance to revisit and rework old wounds and violations related to “Father” in all its forms.

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Video | Building a Fire

This weekend the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer is the most powerful of the year. This potent Solar Eclipse is about new beginnings not just on an individual, but for the entire planet. The New Moon Solar Eclipse bring about the fire within, so in celebration, here is a video featuring Matt Halterman, who among many things, is our resident bonfire builder. In this video, Matt takes us through the process of building a campfire.

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