White Feather Farm

Events at White Feather Farm

Animals have shared this earth, air and water with us from the beginning of our existence. They have been messengers, teachers of medicine ways, and taught us the depths of right relationship.  As we regain our respect for the natural world, let us learn and increase our awareness of the physical and spiritual relationship, the intimacy these animals hold as allies, teachers, and advanced examples of compassion and empathy. We begin our workshop offerings this spring and summer with a focus on our animals.  Come late summer, the beginning of the harvest, we follow the animals as they guide our learning inward, to the depths of the human being. We are changing as a species, let’s cross this threshold together, engage our responsibilities, to honor each life and each death with deep respect.  

Animal - Anima - the Soul - the Breath

Classes, Workshops & Curated Events

Workshops, Classes & Curated Events